I will like to congratulate you for being among the billions of human beings around the globe to transcend into the New Year. I am sure you will agree with me that not everyone had this opportunity; so we must make it count. If you are one of those very serious individuals, my guess is you already did a goal setting session or planning session for 2019 when we were still few hours out of 2018.
For some, they just imagined how they would like 2019 to be different from 2018 and previous years. While for some of us, we just did not bother ourselves about such things especially since we discovered from previous attempts that we do not really control what happens in a year.
I guess what is common to us all is the excitement that comes with a new year. It just has a way of raising hopes and making things look more colourful and achievable. While this feeling might last for days, weeks or months depending on the individual, I wish we could keep it the whole year. As we close the chapter of the first week of the year and enter into another week we must make up our minds to rise above every status quo.
If we want to experience things in a better way and achieve greater results, we must be ready to challenge the status quo. You must look within yourself, your family, organization, local government, state, Country; continent as far as your eyes can see and begin to set new standards.
Use your creative powers, be innovative, think out of the box, try new methods, etc just decide to do things better. This attitude characterized the great inventor Thomas Edison; in his early days of experimenting and inventing. He dedicated time to look for ways to improve on already existing inventions especially the telegraph machine. The success of this year lies in the hands of those who make up their minds to be more effective and efficient.
Those who will make up their minds to live above corruption, cheating, bribery, stealing and all activities that seem to be the status quo in our society and shine as light in their world. Those are the men, women, youths, boys and girls that will stand out in 2019.
The earth has seen virtually everything; what is different and new about you, your way of doing things, your products or services? The answers are within you, if you will just take out time to deliberately rise above the status quo in every facet of your life this year.