Schools are yet to resume for the next session, unfortunately for them holidays will soon be over too. Kids in private schools are to return to their warm and less scolding teachers while those in public schools get savage teachers who are willing to use any means including flogging with canes to administer discipline.
Sometime last year I was at an event in a public school and while the event was ongoing a whole class was under punishment by their teacher. Now the general excuse when asked was that the class was noisy. Without being humane these public school teachers punish their pupils unruly. These kids are sometimes asked to lie on dirty ground under the sun, carry on military exercises and many others. It’s a norm for public schools to be overcrowded and congested and it is impossible to say the whole 100 students, if the case may be, in a class were involved in noise making. Amidst them are those innocent ones who most times clearly shed tears during punishments.
At times it feels like these teachers take pleasure in punishing their wards rather than carry out their main assignments. Some of these teachers look for a way to punish these kids instead of train them.
Why are public school teachers different from private school teachers? Do these teachers undergo training on how to treat their wards? For teachers, do you feel satisfied after you see these kids hurt?
There are better ways to discipline these kids, if you think otherwise leave a comment below.