Diary of a Girl Turned Woman: Kindness

Diary of a Girl Turned Woman: Kindness

This topic reminds me of that song

Just a little tenderness, with the light turned down low…etc

If we replace the word tenderness with kindness, it still speaks of that place where the soul can find rest without judgment and strife.

On this journey called life, the tenderness/kindness of a stranger could be all you need to make it through, to hold on against all odds. To not throw in the towel or to add bounce to your feet for the journey ahead.

Life on its own has so many contradictions, while standing on your soap box ready to judge and condemn anyone that comes your way just think about it, may be your sorry, your please or your thank you. May be even the smile on your face could brighten someone’s day and make them think ‘’ I am not giving up just yet’’

I heard of a young man that died last week, it was painful, because on his social media profile, he seems so full of life, but little did we know what was happening beneath everything that glittered, now pause and think about that man/woman on the street whom you flippantly judged without knowing her everyday realities. We all do it. We have not worked in their shoe and half of the gist we heard about them were hearsay and yet we judge them and we sentence them without trial.

But the truth really is – WE DON’T KNOW.

My people all we have is each other, no alien or extra-terrestrial being is coming to help us make our world work, no one is coming. If we are going to make it work it is in our hand.

Come let’s plant our rose garden ourselves.

Give someone a gift of kindness, of gentility, of politeness, of thoughtfulness.

Answer your spouse nicely.

Gist and catch up with a friend

Talk to a stranger in the bank, on the bus, in the hospital

While driving by, give the gift of a smile to those waiting for a bus, or offer a ride if you can

Respond politely to your inquisitive kid

Be nice to your co-worker, employee and helps.

After all it cost us absolutely nothing

Drop a comment on this post.

Till we meet again, I remain kafilat, café, coffee, kaffy.

Much love.

Picture of Teo-Inspiro


Teo-Inspiro International is a media production company that is changing the narrative by empowering young people with digital skills to showcase the beauty of Africa. We provide photography and video coverage for events, produce films and documentaries that tell the African story and organize training programs on camera handling.

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